So, I've basically been MIA online for the past two weeks, and that's because I was living downtown with my aunt (who has limited internet connection), and attending the "Creative Roots Theatre Training Intensive" at Driftwood Theatre Company. I won't go into much detail about the program itself, but it was an incredibly fun and rewarding experience, and I learned a
ton and made some really great connections with theatre professionals (who are also some of the sweetest, loveliest people I have ever met).
Didn't take any pictures while I was there, but I went out to see fireworks on Canada day so I've got some pictures from that, as well as my incredibly successful play-haul at the used bookstore "Re:Reading" that I went to on Thursday -- I'm set for the rest of the summer!!
I'll be making a couple more posts over the next couple days to catch up for lost time on here, specifically an Infinite Jest liveblog update (I'm past the halfway point!), my "new words of June" which is now quite overdue, and a post about the production of Hamlet that Driftwood Theatre is currently putting on and that you should definitely see if you live in Ontario. My plan for this summer is to keep this blog updated and try and stick to some kind of content schedule so I don't only ever post one type of thing.
DAY ONE: All packed up, my copy of IJ in tow (it was too big to fit in the suitcase...) |
The place we went to for fireworks had this whole little carnival thing set up, it was super cute |
Didn't go on any rides, though, I get way too motion sick
(which sucks because I have no fear of them, they just make me throw up) |
The view from my walk from the subway station to my aunt's house |
Re:Reading has A+ bags |
8 books, containing approximately 36 individual plays/short plays
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